Save Public Housing Debate: It's time for MPs to turn up!

Save Public Housing Debate: It's time for MPs to turn up!

Public housing residents have the right to a safe, secure & affordable home. But this will be up for debate in the Victorian Parliament on September 11, 2024.

The Victorian Labor Government plans to demolish and privatise all 44 public housing towers and displace over 10,000 residents. They want to give up the land to developers for mostly private, expensive housing. Labor’s plan will force people out of their homes and tear communities apart. Selling off public land will only make the housing crisis worse.

Thousands of Victorians have signed a parliamentary petition started by a public housing resident ...

Public housing residents have the right to a safe, secure & affordable home. But this will be up for debate in the Victorian Parliament on September 11, 2024.

The Victorian Labor Government plans to demolish and privatise all 44 public housing towers and displace over 10,000 residents. They want to give up the land to developers for mostly private, expensive housing. Labor’s plan will force people out of their homes and tear communities apart. Selling off public land will only make the housing crisis worse.

Thousands of Victorians have signed a parliamentary petition started by a public housing resident from Fitzroy, demanding that Labor stop the demolition and privatisation of public housing and public land. This now forces a special debate in Parliament and puts pressure on the government to stop the demolition and privatisation and build more public housing.

We need you to tell your Labor MP they can't weasel out of this debate. Write to your local upper house Labor MPs urging them to show up to the debate and explain why they support the plan to demolish and privatise the towers.

Every upper house MP has the choice to speak in the special debate, and as your representative they should. You have every right to know why your Labor representative is choosing to stand with wealthy property developers rather than Victorians in need of a home. 

They can't keep silent in the middle of a housing crisis. Send them this letter so they show up and speak up at this debate. 

With Victorians like you in every part of our state emailing upper house MPs, together we can build the pressure to save public housing and stop this disastrous plan. 

Will you send a quick email to your Labor MP now? Call on them to show up for Victorians in need of secure housing, not property developers.


Write to your Upper House Labor MPs

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After you've sent this letter, head to your MPs social media page and leave a comment letting them know you want to them to turn up to the debate.